Sunday, November 7, 2010


I have completed my learning quizes and I have decided at the age of 40 that I knew what kind of learner I am and surprise, surprise I was correct.  I am a visual learner and I have a mind of pictures and this helps me with my studies and job.  People always ask me how I remember peoples names and about information that has been told to me.  I like to think about where I am when I meet a person and where I was when I was told the information.  This is very important in my job.

I was surprised with the results from the Multiple Intelligence test, I am a Linguistic (Word Smart)  closely followed by Intrapersonal (Myself Smart).  I found taking these tests fun and very interesting and have noticed that I am watching my family more to see what kind of learners they are and I know that at work this coming week I will be watching the children in my class, to see what kind of learner they may be.

I think that this information is valuable for teachers as it will help to show us how to teach our students and allow them to learn at their pace and within their abilities. 

1 comment:

  1. It is great to have what you already know validated. Learning styles are something that I never looked into or understood much before E-learning. I feel the most important thing with learning styles is to integrate them to make learning easier for all students. Especially for students that you feel are disengaging and for students with disabilities.
