Friday, November 12, 2010


I have just posted my Wiki.  I have focused on the use of wikis in the child care industry and using a wiki for student's yearly portfolios.  I know that schools are using digital portfolios.  I feel that using wiki for the portfoilos then parents are able to access the wiki from home and work and contribute to their child's wiki.  Please read my wiki and let me know what your opinion is.

5th December 2010
I have been thinking about the use of Wiki in Early Childhood Education, there maybe privacy issues, can parents access other children's Wikis. I would make it that each child has their own Wiki and the parents would be given the name of the Wiki but this information would not been given to other parents. I also have attached a YouTube clip about a whole class porfolio and I thought this would make a great Wiki. It could list on each page a learning experience for the class, with a brief description of the activity and photos of the class taking part in the activity. This Wiki would help support the learning of the class and demonstrate what is being taught in the class.

I have added an additional page to my Wiki to show an example of a page that would show parents the benefits of computer use in childhood education and also display photos of the children over the year. Not only would computer usage be one page but also some other examples are Construction Play and Painting.


  1. Hi Karen,
    A question for you - you have outlined the purposeful use of wikis for a portfolio.
    How will you manage security do you think?

  2. This is an interesting question, with a Wiki the parents will have only access to their child's wiki as each wiki will be given a separate name and the parents can help to design this name. This will help to keep their privacy. Of course as the teacher I will know each child's wiki account name as I will need to access their wiki. Parents will be able to access their child's wiki from home, work and on the class room computer. Using the class room computer may prove to be a security issue though.
    Thank you for the question. I will look into it more.
